Rightsleeve Branded Adult Colouring Books

If you follow us on social media, you know that we are obsessed with custom cover colouring books and our current obsession is the subject of this post. We have also featured other colouring books on the blog and love them for different reasons.

If you think adult colouring books are a 21st century invention, think again. They were wildly popular in 1960s. In fact Barbara Streisand sang about it in her 1962 song “My Coloring Book,” - “Crayons ready?” she croons, “Begin to colour me.”

About This RIGHTSLEEVE branded Colouring Book

You know we love this colouring book because we chose to get them branded with our own branding! This particular colouring book has a soft cover and is perfect as an on the go companion – at the airport, at the office or at home. It is made in Canada and contains 48 pages featuring 6 fun themes filled with beautiful artwork and motifs, waiting for you to make it a masterpiece.

From simple to intricate designs, this colouring book has it all. But the feature that we love the most and what sets it apart from other colouring books on the market is the fact that the pages are perforated - you can detach your favourite artwork neatly and frame it up or put it on the fridge to display!