Using NFC Technology in Swag Products

NFC technology may have been a function on your smartphone that you didn't pay much attention to. Yet, thanks to wireless payments (Apple Pay, Google Pay etc) it has made its way into the mainstream. There is a lot of opportunity with using NFC, and it might just be the new tool in swag that you need.

What is it?

NFC stands for near field communication. It is a form of wireless data transfer that allows you to send information from one NFC device to another.

Most devices like your phone, tablet and laptop are already equipped with NFC. All you have to do is hold it close to the device or NFC tag and just like that, you'll receive the information!


NFC + Swag

NFC chips can be programmed and placed in common swag items like notebooks, backpacks and duffels.There are so many ways in which it can be useful. Share images, videos and other files. Roll up to a meeting, and share that presentation via your NFC chipped notebook. Share an event page or information about your company. The options are endless.


Though NFC technology is not a new concept, it is now being introduced in swag. It is a great marketing tool that can heighten the experience of how users will interact with your product

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